Top Sports
An EQ foundation is indispensable for amateurs and elite athletes.
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Whether you are an amateur or professional athlete, an EQ foundation is indispensable. During training sessions or competitions, many things can happen that have a direct impact on your performance. Without an EQ base, there is a good chance you will be influenced by this and this will negatively impact your performance. You use your energy for the wrong things, are sometimes angry or frustrated and that is a waste.
EQfit Academy provides the EQ foundation that athletes need to get the most out of and enjoy their sport. By combining contemporary situations that people find themselves in with EQfit Academy exercises, it becomes life-like and you learn how to handle situations from now on.
Dealing with pressure or competitive tension
Dealing with disadvantage and loss
Combining sports and private life
Self-confidence and performance
How to work together as a team
Dealing with unjustified decisions
65% of athletes have experienced aggression on the field.
Almost 10 million people exercise in the Netherlands
More than 83% of talent development depends on EQ.
No matter what sport you play: it doesn’t matter! We will work with you and within a few training sessions you will already notice results and be able to apply them immediately! In sports. And in everyday life.
Schedule an introductory training session
Are you curious about what we can do for you? Because we are convinced of our method, we offer everyone the opportunity to get acquainted through a free introductory training.
Do you want to help athletes yourself?
We work with independent trainers who all share the common goal of helping people move forward in their lives. You also have the opportunity to contribute to this through our partnership.